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Monday Minute: Transition Line

“Let me tell you why I shared this story…” As a story doula and story coach, I love to nerd out about storytelling. One of the biggest gifts that a perfectly crafted story can give you is the versatility of its message depending on the audience. The line “let me tell you WHY I shared this story”… is a great transition line to ensure that you are clear with the audience around the intention and message of your story. There are times when you can leave it up to an audience to figure out the why, and more often than not, I think an audience appreciates the dots being connected.


It is time for your Fearless Monday Minute. As a story doula, and as someone who loves to nerd out around story and storytelling, the reason why you may have told a story or shared a story with your audience can leave the audience puzzled. And that is a less thrilling way for an audience to sit with the story that you shared. So I am a fan of the transition line after you finish telling your story to say, “and let me tell you why I told you that story”. And in that you can share the moral, the lesson, the impact, the point as to why it is that you share the story in the first place. Now, what’s beautiful is that if you have a perfectly crafted story, why you told the story can shift depending on your intended audience, and that is why a beautifully crafted story is the gift that keeps giving. And that’s your Monday Minute.

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